What’s the No. 1 book you recommend to agents? Pulse

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For many agents, an introduction to the day-to-day of real estate comes in the form of a book recommended by a friend, colleague or broker. Whether it’s The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, Your First 365 Days in Real Estate or a newer book like The Agent’s Edge, a great book recommendation can be truly life- (and career-) changing.

So, for those of you who love to share your faves, we wondered: What’s the No. 1 book you’re recommending to the agents in your life? Are you focusing on general business-building recommendations or specific strategies? Do you recommend self-help and productivity tomes or how-tos? What’s the book that changed you so much you can’t resist sharing it? Let us know below.

We’ll post our findings with the top answers next week on Tuesday.

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